Mood Tools Index

The Mood Tools: Supporting Your Writer’s Mindset series began on March 6, 2023, and is currently running. Here are the links to each week’s post with a snapshot of the content covered that week!

Week 1: Tame Your Dragons - How to befriend your inner critic and get back to writing!

Week 2: All-Or-Something-Thinking - How to replace the perfectionism of all-or-nothing thinking with all-or-something thinking.

Week 3: Every Minute Counts…Literally - How to set writing goals you’ll actually meet.

Week 4: Screaming on Roller Coasters - How feeling your feelings helps your writing.

Week 5: It Takes a Village - How to build a truly supportive writing community

Week 6: The Work Is the Way - Using writing mantras to stay focused

Week 7: The Power of Magical Thinking - Using talismans to stay immersed

Week 8: Your Writing Matters - The power of choosing to believe

Week 9: May the FLORK Be With You - Hold fast to your sense of humor