If you haven't read Kaufman's Antkind, get thee to a bookstore posthaste! It's absolutely brilliant (and long!). It's a book about an unfilmable movie and the book is, according to Kaufman, supposed to be unfilmable. One of my fave books I've read in the last few years.

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The comparisons to Kafka and Pynchon gave me pause (masters both but not my favorite flavor of master), but if you like Antkind maybe I'll pick it up!

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Well, I can see those comparisons. Kafka for the weirdness--lots of it--but if you like Kaufman's style then no surprise there. And Pynchon only because it's a long, twisty thing, but I can't read Pynchon without wanting to slash my wrists, whereas Antkind is very readable.

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Gravity's Razor strikes again!

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