This resonates with me so much - I need to be reminded to appreciate the small achievements! All I can see is the bad sometimes, and all the things still needed to be done. I started a journal a few month back, where I was supposed to be recording my achievements and wins. Of course I haven't written in it in ages XD This post is a push for me to get back to using it, thank you so much!

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So glad this was helpful, Laura! Now go think about all the wins you've had since you bought the journal and then write them down. If it helps, think of your journal as a hungry puppy who only eats words. You wouldn't starve a puppy, right? Right. That puppy is your writing self! 🐶 🐕 🐩

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This is what I've been telling myself for years. I have that whole story about how, in rowing, I'm really good at carrying the boat on my head (I can do it no-handed). So, even after a row where my technique has been terrible, or the chop on the Charles has defeated me, I can finish by ace-ing the last thing I do--which is carry the boat back to the rack. And it leaves me feeling positive about the endeavor, psyched for the next row. I try to do the same thing with writing. Find the --one-- good thing you did on even a crummy writing day, and champion that!

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