CAHTY"S WEEKLY R.A.P #12 — August 13, 2023

RECKONING—I was hoping to finish a revision of chapter 28 and get a rough draft of chapter 29 and the epilogue done, but I didn't even make it through the revision.

ANALYSIS–I made a breakthrough in how to revise chapter 28, but I didn't take full advantage of the time I had this week, prioritizing an afternoon kayaking--first time and loved it!--over a deeper dive on the day I had time to do it. I think part of it is the dwindling summer, but--if I'm being fully honest and if I'm not what's the point?--a part of me is more afraid of getting to the end of the draft than the part of me that's afraid of NOT reaching that goal. With three weeks, it's still doable, so I shall take a deep breath and get to work.

PLAN–I shall take a deep breath and get to work! LOL. I've cleared three days this week for the kind of head down work I need to do to push to the end. Here's hoping it's enough! I also think I just need to go back to longhand. Every fucking time I tell myself I should try to stop writing longhand, my writing goes sideways on me. I have enough time to write it out and type it in, so I'm think I'm just going to do that!

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That afternoon kayaking sounds heavenly and probably helped in the long run. A new experience and a wonderful memory to anchor summer in your mind. Brava to your clearing 3 days to put your head down and work. I hope you do and that you spend your other time guiltfree in summer-memory-making pursuits.

Lastly, don't allow your resistance to "should" on you for writing longhand. What works, works. You've proven it long enough to tell that delay tactic to take a hike each time. Or email me when it whispers in your ear and I'll tell it!

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RECKONING— I missed the email for R.A.P. #11 and never set an intention nor reviewed week 10. Oh well.

ANALYSIS— I kicked a** week 10 riding that article until it was done, published on my website, and sent in my newsletter. Can you say 2:15am? I spent week 11 writing to promote the piece and doing research for my next article.

PLAN— Have fun with my next article. I have original research. I'm going to pull it together, look for the story, and write that first draft by end of day Tuesday. Looking to publish this week, then take the next 2 weeks off.

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I have been missing from here since I write my plans in my writing journal and keep track of everything there. But now I realised that I can use this space to unload my fears and joys about the coming week instead. So, I'll try that, cause I really miss the camradery. Just let me know if you'd rather I won't, Cathy 🤓

RECKONING - I have been battling with fear for few weeks now, fear of pytting pen to the paper. I have to finish short 4 for my ACWW course this Wednesday and have just cleverly avoided starting writing for few weeks.

ANALYSIS - Annoying? Absolutely. But also maybe necessary for the story to incubate inside me. Who knows. I am too lazy to kick my own butt because of it, so here I am now, three days til deadline and loads of notes done but no story on the paper yet.

PLAN - make a rough outline from all the notes with what definitely must be in the story, write and edit the hell out of it with love and joy, and submit Wednesday evening.

My autumn plan will be to expand my writing days from Monday to Friday, instead of Monday or Tuesday to Wednesday, that it's been this summer. I have tried, but not too hard, to get to writing five days a week all summer but it's been so easy to tell myself that my brain is still busy healing my body and just let go. Well, if I want to be the amazing writer I know I can be, that needs to change.

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