
RECKONING—Didn't finish the book. Breakthrough on how to restructure the final chapter before the epilogue.

ANALYSIS–I'm clicking along. I just need more time.

PLAN–I've cleared a couple days this week for a mini deep dive and I'll be pushing hard to finish a rough draft of the book. Plan is just to get it down in rough form at this point. After doing one scene long hand, I also switched to drafting on the computer because there are too many disparate notes and pieces to feasibly draft this longhand.

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Yay for breakthroughs. They are super important!

Ah, deep dives, I must admit I do miss them :-) I hope yours goes well.

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Love your self-compassion here: "I'm clicking along. I just need more time." You've got this! You are going to finish. Also love your shift to keyboard to aggregate notes and pieces. That works well for me too. Go, Cathy, go!!

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Catherine Elcik

I have some work writing to do, but also working on a new short story. Right now, I have six characters in a room just kind of looking at each other. Four antagonists, and I've got a handle on them. But I don't know who the two protagonists are. Trying to watch movies and read for inspiration, because I really want to write this, and I think the characters are tired of waiting for me. Might have to do some writing prompts centered around character and see if those produce anything.

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I hope you'll have fun discovering your last two characters :-). Just let them speak, see what they'll tell you :-). The setting is super intriguing.

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Well, last week I procrastinated. There was some writing but not the kind that had to be done. The story, which I planned to polish for an anthology submission, simply evaded me.

Was I a bit frustrated? Absolutely. So much so that I almost decided not to touch it and not to submit it. But last night, which kind of already is this week, I got a grip on myself and the story, edited and polished it, and submitted it at the last hour before the deadline dropped. So, that's done.

Thus this week is a nice and easy one: 30 minutes of each three writing projects (one of them I call funland because it's something I do just for fun, a book I started years ago and have decided to pick up again to pants through like a wild horse) every morning followed by few hours of directing. Easing myself into the work here, making sure I don't scare myself away :-).

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I love your approach to your book. If you're truly worried about scaring yourself away, maybe change the pantsing animal given wild horses stampede after mistaking a branch for a snake. Maybe pants like a puppy? In my very recent experience puppies are playful, insatiably curios and only afraid of lawnmowers which, you know, fair enough in life and books--if you see a lawnmower coming for your book the only acceptable answer is to run, right?

I'm thrilled for your playful approach and huge congratulations on cracking that story and getting it submitted under the wire. Well, done!

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Love how your desire to submit won in the end! You came through!! Enjoy your easy week.

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RECKONING - Having not finished during week 12, I worked to first draft late Monday. Got my editor's feedback (thanks hubby) and cut 1/3, wrote a new 1/3, polished and published late Tuesday. All so I could go away to the Berkshires and not think about it Wednesday through Monday this week.

ANALYSIS - Like Aïna, my desire and self-imposed pressure to get it out won. It felt like a wrestling match, but I pinned that sucker even if it was 9pm. I got the clear mind I wished for on vacation.

PLAN - I had promised myself a break from Aug 23 through Labor Day (next Monday in the US). Spent more time yesterday in my office clearing email and doing other stuff than I liked. Checked the weather in Lenox, MA and it is clear for tomorrow night. So I bought myself a lawn seat at Tanglewood for the Jackson Browne concert and booked a hotel room and am headed back to the Berkshires tomorrow!!! Removing myself from the premises is the plan to refill my creative well. Will start with writing fresh next Tuesday.

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I love the triumphant deadline and the way you're luxuriating in your break--breaks are so important!

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